Jakarta, January 29, 2018 - The Government of Indonesia has committed to supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve health and society and the earth. In 2015, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, affirms Indonesia's commitment in Presidential Decree No. 59 of 2017 on the Implementation of the Achievement of Sustainable Development Objectives [1], in which one of the objectives is to improve the health of Indonesians.

In improving the health of Indonesian society starting from family and mother role is very important to push its success. In accordance with the agenda of improving the quality of food and nutrition of the people in the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2015-2019 [2], Mother has a key role in the improvement of nutrition in the family as a first step to create healthy habits in the family.

However, based on research in 13 countries published by the European Journal of Nutrition, it is known that 1 in 4 children in Indonesia is still drinking less, where 30% consumed is not water [3]. Therefore, infants and children are prone to fluid shortages. [4] In addition, adolescents and healthy adults need two liters of water per day [5], but data show that as many as 40% of adults and 36% of adolescents in Indonesia have not met sufficient hydration intake [6]. Indonesian people are not only drinking less, but many still do not realize the importance of knowing the type of drinking water is healthy and safe for consumption because drinking water is less hygienic can be a source of various diseases.

As a company that has 45 years of spreading the virtues of life to every individual, Danone-AQUA feels compelled to be part of the realization of the health of Indonesian society. This is in line with the value of 'One Planet, One Health' which became the slogan and the ideals of Danone to invite the whole community to maintain a healthy lifestyle and maintain the sustainability of the earth through the food and drinks they consume.

Danone-AQUA, which has a mission to inspire Indonesians through healthy hydration, sees the importance of providing mothers with special skills to improve the health and wellbeing of their families. Through the training program of "Ibu Sehat, Keluarga Sehat" (Healthy Families), Danone-AQUA works together with the Center for Family Empowerment and Welfare (TP-PKK) to empower Indonesian mothers to improve knowledge and responsiveness for their families. As the largest Mother community in Indonesia, Danone-AQUA sees the PKK as the right partner to reach Mothers in need of support. The training program will focus on health and safety education of drinking water along with the concept of nutrition and healthy hydration to create a healthy and prosperous Indonesian family. In addition, other trainings such as financial management, health discussions with health experts, and joint sports are also provided to enhance the skills of mothers for their families.

The training of "Ibu Sehat, Keluarga Sehat" will be held gradually in 34 provinces, beginning with 10 provinces as an initial focus in 2018. The program is expected to reach more than 8 million PKK mothers throughout Indonesia in 2018-2020. The best PKK cadres will also be determined on World Kidney Day every March.

"Many of us are not yet aware of the importance of Mother's role in maintaining the health and well-being of her family and environment. Therefore, as a member and extension of the PKK to achieve the target of SDGs, we see a need to equip mothers with appropriate education and skills. With the strategic collaboration with Danone-AQUA, we are increasingly optimistic to help Indonesian families become healthier, "said Chairman of TP-PKK, dr. Erni Guntarti Tjahjo Kumolo.

Using the Trainer of Trainers (ToT) method, over the next three years, each representative cadre of each province will attend special training which is expected to be passed on to cadres through Early Childhood Education and Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) in the region each.

"We are grateful to the central TP-PKK who are willing to work together to enhance the role of mothers in realizing a healthy Indonesian family. We recognize the potential and capabilities that mothers have in Indonesia and we believe through this collaboration, Indonesian mothers can be wiser in making decisions, especially for the health of their families. Because behind a healthy family, there must be a healthy Mother who has knowledge about family health. This is what we want to communicate to the Mothers, because Mother has a very important role in the formation of a healthy and prosperous family, "said Vera Galuh Ukraine, Vice President of General Secretary of Danone Indonesia.

"We hope that with this partnership, Danone-AQUA and PKK will not only help create Healthy Indonesia, in accordance with the work program of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia [7] but also can contribute directly to the achievement of SDGs by 2030," concluded Vera.

[1] Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, accessed from http://setkab.go.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Perpres-Nomor-59-Tahun-2017-.pdf
[2] Referring to RPJMN 2015-2019, accessed from https://www.bappenas.go.id/id/data-and-informasi-utama/documents-plan-and-implementation/development-development-national-documents/ rpjp-2005-2025 / rpjmn-2015-2019 /
[3] Intake of Water and Beverages of Children and Adolescents in 13 Countries. Guelinckx et.al, 2015, Iglesia et al., 2015. European Journal of Nutrition Volume 52, Supplement 2. June 2015. Page 69 - 79.
[4] Pardede, Sudung O, Hardiansyah. Myth or Fact: Water and Hydration, First Edition p.3. Centra Communications, Jakarta. 2016.
[5] Pardede, Sudung O, Hardiansyah. Myth or Fact: Water and Hydration, First Edition p.3. Centra Communications, Jakarta. 2016.
[6] Bardosono, Saptawati. Fluid Intake of the Indonesian Population. Indonesian Hydration and Health Conference 2016, accessed from http://indonesianh2c.ihwg.or.id/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Dr.-dr.-Saptawati-Bardosono-MSc.pdf
[7] DR. dr. Nila F. Moeloek, Minister of Health RI. "Health Development Toward a Healthy Indonesia", accessed from http://www.depkes.go.id/resources/download/rakerkesnas-2015/MENKES.pdf