Jakarta, December 12, 2017- The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia submits Danone-AQUA's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) health award for the implementation of the Clean Access, Sanitation and Hygiene Access (WASH) Water Access, Sanitation and Hygiene Access program. The award was submitted by the Minister of Health, Nila Moeloek to VP of Indonesian Danone Secretary, Vera Galuh Sugijanto at Hotel Kartika Chandra, Jakarta on Tuesday, December 12, 2017.

Danone-AQUA is considered successful in implementing the WASH Program and supporting improved access to clean water and proper sanitation to over 135,000 people living in more than 70 villages in 18 districts, through collaboration with more than 20 local partners.

Up to 2015, Indonesia is only able to fulfill access to adequate drinking water for 68% of the total population of 258 million people. As for the fulfillment of basic sanitation needs, Indonesia has only reached 60% of the total population. The unavailability of accessible drinking water and sanitation services can lead to various conditions that could undermine the health status of the community such as the spread of water-borne diseases such as dysentery, cholera, diarrhea and others. To overcome this, the government sets the target of Universal Water Access and Sanitation in 2019, by providing adequate drinking and sanitation services for 100% of Indonesians.

This condition triggered Danone-AQUA as part of Danone which has One Planet One Health's vision to participate in the fulfillment of access to clean water. After the award ceremony, Vera Galuh Sugijanto said that "The main key health for the community is the fulfillment of access to clean water and safe sanitation behavior. Therefore, Danone-AQUA has since 2007 developed the Clean Water and Sanitation Access program, contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) no. 6 and government targets for Universal Access for Drinking Water and Sanitation in 2019. On this occasion, we are grateful to the government who has given our appreciation for our efforts to help improve public health, "said Vera.

Vera further explained "WASH program is implemented by implementing the national strategy of Total Community Based Sanitation (STBM) and development of clean water facilities, both in the community and in the school. This program can run well because of the involvement of all parties, both central government, local government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the community itself. Together with various parties, we conduct social mapping and community needs assessments to develop responsive programs. In addition, the community is also facilitated to establish the institutional management of clean water facilities (PPSAB) so that the built facilities can be managed independently and the benefits continue to be felt. "

"Danone-AQUA has also recently signed a WASH @ workplace pledge initiated by the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD) aimed at ensuring that all employees at all work sites have access to adequate water and sanitation and adopt clean living behaviors and healthy, clean and healthy life in this work environment is expected to be brought into the family and community environment to help create a cleaner and healthier environment ", added Vera.